Jessie's Page!

Jessie is 8 years old.
He is in the 3rd grade.

Jessie in Wolf Scout UniformClick here to learn more about the Cub Scouts
He is a webelos scout


He Likes to Write and Draw.
He also likes Video Games, Reading, and Cartoons.

Click here to learn more about PokemonJessie---7 years old

He Really Loves Pokemon!

Here's his school Pics.
Fall 2000---3rd Grade---8 yrsSpring 2001-----3rd Grade-----8 yrs

Jessie also likes to play baseball.
This is his 4th year playing

This year his team is

Cashe, Lewis, Moody, & Coudrain

There will be pics posted soon.

Jessie has a Brother named Alex
Jess and Alex
You can go see
Alex at
Alex's Page

At his Mom's, Jessie has a sister named Jackie, a brother named Justin, a brother named Jackie Jr., and a new sister named Catherine. Here he is with Jackie (the girl).
Jess and Jackie


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